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Archived Guestbook: Page 06

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Thursday 08/28/2008 5:08:51pm
Name: Ron Ayala
E-Mail: rayalapi@aol.com
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Friend
Location: Palm Desert, CA
Comments: Played in 1975 for the California Sun, Place Kicker, Punter and Safety

Tuesday 08/12/2008 11:17:01am
Name: Edward Best
E-Mail: EBest@lightningcourier.com
Homepage Title: Steamerfan
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Shreveport,La.
Comments: I was an invester in the Steamer when they moved from Houston in 1974. Shares were selling for $100.00 each.
Best money I ever lost.
Those players were one of a kind. i don't believe I ever heard one complain about not being paid during that time. Most of them just wanted to play.
If we had dedication like that these day's the NFL wouldn't be the NO FUN LEAGUE.

Sunday 07/20/2008 2:47:28pm
Name: Lee Spence
E-Mail: undermywheels47@yahoo.com
Homepage Title:
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Comments: I was a fan of the Florida Blazers,and saw several games at the Tangerine Bowl here in Orlando I remember when the team folded they sold all of the team equipment to the public, I was so upset I stopped following any Football for the next 2 seasons, I still remember that 1974 season and all that the players went through, not getting paid but still playing out the rest of the season for the love of the game....They dont make men like that anymore.... no present day NFL players would do it thats for sure!

Tuesday 06/17/2008 1:02:12am
Name: J B
E-Mail: xscreech2004x@yahoo.com
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Wisconsin
Comments: I love the site, long live the WFL!!!

Friday 05/16/2008 12:00:18am
Name: Jim Campbell
E-Mail: jcampbell22@comcast.net
Homepage Title:
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Location: Memphis Tn.
Comments: I was a WFL football official during both years 1974 & 1975. Headlinesman & linejudge.

Tuesday 04/22/2008 1:08:38pm
Name: david yaege
E-Mail: yaege@sbcglobal.net
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
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Comments: played for san antonio wings in 1975, they were originally the florida blazers in 1974, I have the record for the longest punt in wfl 87 yards against southern california sun

Friday 03/28/2008 6:54:17pm
Name: james schonwald
E-Mail: jmlm@live.ca
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: fort st. john,B.C, Canada
Comments: I am intereasted in the history about defunct leagues and teams. This site is awesome.

Tuesday 02/26/2008 9:09:31pm
Name: James LeBlanc
E-Mail: coo@newwfl.com
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: You do know that the real WFL is back?

Wednesday 01/30/2008 4:38:54am
Name: Billy Dukes
E-Mail: dukes_billy@bellsouth.net
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Jackson, AL
Comments: I actually have 4 WFL Birmingham jerseys and a Vulcan helmet plus a football.

Wednesday 01/02/2008 10:10:59pm
Name: Chuck
E-Mail: char68bne@yahoo.com
Homepage Title: n/a
Homepage URL: http://n/a
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: NYC
Comments: Revised WFL site is lookin' good. Here's another tid-bit: According to a July 12, 1974 article about the local Southmen in the Memphis Commercial Appeal, Elvis Presley asked for John Bassett's autograph, which more than surprised the Memphis owner-founder. Elvis returned the favor by autographing a Football World program for Bassett's daughter, Victoria. Rookie running back J.J. Jennings was the King's favorite Grizzly player.

Thursday 12/20/2007 1:00:26am
Name: David A. Lamerand
E-Mail: lams712@comcast.net
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Wikipedia entry
Comments: Love the site. I was too young to see the WFL in action, but I was very interested in studying a unique chapter in the history of professional football. This site has it all!!!

Thursday 12/06/2007 7:14:39pm
Name: Larry M. Mallory
E-Mail: Malloryl@msn.com
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: Played for the The Memphis Southmen Grizzlies

Saturday 12/01/2007 9:46:03pm
Name: Dan McConnell
E-Mail: dwm87@hotmail.com
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: Charlotte Hornets!

Sunday 09/30/2007 1:45:23pm
Name: Mike Ciani
E-Mail: mike_mitzi@hotmail.com
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: Nice to look back.

Monday 09/24/2007 3:14:19pm
Name: Tom Marino
E-Mail: tommywho1@gmail.com
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Wilmington, NC
Comments: Former Player Personnel director for the Philadelphia Bell under Ron Waller and Willie Wood

Friday 08/10/2007 2:47:11pm
Name: Pat WElls
E-Mail: p_t_wells@yahoo.com
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Toronto, OH
Comments: Long live the Shreveport Steamers, Rufus"The Roadrunner", Furgeson and the Portland Storm....I loved watching these guys on, I believe, Wed. night. What ever happened to the Dicker Rod?

Friday 07/27/2007 5:48:51pm
Name: ken
E-Mail: krust@hfx.eastlink.ca
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Comments: Living in canada, grew up in Chicago.

I even followed the old All America conf. Thks for the web site.
An old Chicago Cardinals fan-Go nite-
train Lane!

Tuesday 07/24/2007 1:00:11am
Name: John A Taylor
E-Mail: jat857161@comcast.net
Homepage Title: Former Portland Thunder
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Somoma Calif.
Comments: Just googled your site. I played te and ot for the portland thundre in 1975 Good times JT

Monday 05/07/2007 8:06:52pm
Name: Carl Spackler
E-Mail: AugustaNat@gmail.com
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: Brings back memories...

Sunday 03/25/2007 9:17:27pm
Name: K Stevens
E-Mail: kstevens.sr@mail.com
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: San Antonio,Tx
Comments: As a football fan thanks for producing this site it's sweet. Man these helmets and stories bring back great memories. THANK YOU VERY MUCH.

Tuesday 01/16/2007 4:46:10pm
Name: Mike Trumble
E-Mail: trumdown@yahoo.com
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Pittsburgh,Pa
Comments: Great site! brings back some memories

Monday 01/08/2007 7:54:04am
Name: Jim Yackel
E-Mail: jimsjerseys17@yahoo.com
Homepage Title: Game Worn Jerseys, Used Helmets, Bats
Homepage URL: http://www.jimyackel.com
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Manlius, NY
Comments: When I am seeking info on the WFL, this site is my first stop!

Saturday 12/16/2006 11:48:46am
Name: Joshua Brogdon
E-Mail: jbrogdon@gsp.net
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: South Georgia
Comments: I just wanted to see for myself what the WFL was like. My mom, formaly know as Carl Stalworth a.k.a. "Blonde" was the team president for the Birmingham Americans. My mom is still alive today although she has been sick for many years with Parkinson's Diease. She has many pictures and news paper articals during her days as a team president. If anyone would like to see, maybe one day I can scan some and post on the site.

Tuesday 10/10/2006 10:02:41am
Name: Mike Forrester
E-Mail: m_forr@hotmil.com
Homepage Title: None
Homepage URL: http://None
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Orlando, Fl.
Comments: Oh...the wonderfull memories.

"Pete Rozell can go to H---; now we have the WFL".. a banner I remember from the first game I saw on T.V.

Tuesday 08/29/2006 9:35:41pm
Name: B D Tatum
E-Mail: BLord21@comcast.net
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: Denver, CO
Comments: great site for remebering the days when you could form a league at a drop of a hat and hope to make it big!